How to: Use research to improve marketing, CX, UX, pricing and services

3 min read.

We know how hard it can be to illustrate the problems that research can
help solve in order to get budget to gather customer insights.

So here are 15 problems research can help with, broken down into 5 key

These are all problems we have helped clients resolve over the last 7

Do any of these areas chime with you?


1 Which customer groups to prioritise (segmentation)
2 The most effective proposition to use and which channels to use
3 How to get prospects to switch to you

Customer Experience

4 How to wow customers at every touch point
5 How to effectively improve up/ cross sell without annoying customers
6 How to overall increase customer lifetime value

User Experience

7 How to improve web conversion
8 How to increase average order value
9 How to identify UX blockers data alone won’t show you


10 How you can illustrate value to effectively increase pricing
11 Pricing strategies to set for different customer groups and markets
12 Market opportunity identification and propensity modelling


13 How to improve your service offering
14 How to split out or bundle your service offering
15 Identify service fit against specific customer groups

If you need assistance in demonstrating the value of research to your
business, let us know and we can provide some further information on how
to sell research into your business.Or how we can do it for you.

All the best


Runway Co-Founder

We help our clients gather insights to improve their services, marketing,
UX, CX and pricing. If you need a hand get in touch and we can discuss
your specific problems before getting back to you with a bespoke proposal.

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