We all know that qualitative research is where you get the real juicy insights. This typically can take the form of one to one in-depth interviews or focus groups.
Such insights can transform marketing activity and businesses in general. But typically this can be expensive and take some time!
We have though managed to crack this nut and gain some amazing qualitative insights for clients at scale.
Practising what we preach we have recently done this for ourselves and gained in-depth interview responses from over 50 participants via a survey.
To do this you need to find a data panel provider and then set up your quantitative survey but add in some free text fields with qualitative questions.
When you really hone in on a specific audience segment and can develop a question set that evokes the participant, you can really glean some amazing insights.
We have found that this approach has negated at times the need to conduct stand alone qualitative research.
The insights we gathered for ourselves have been amazing and is helping us shape some of our services and our proposition as a whole.
Off the back of this we will be able to resonate more effectively with our target audience in a way we didn’t expect. This is because we can now illustrate clearly that we understand the problems and challenges they face. More importantly we now understand which problems impact the majority of our audience.
Focusing on these will help us help more potential clients. So next time you are thinking of gathering some qualitative insights, you might want to test a quantitative/ qualitative survey first. These can be tested and refined on smaller sample sizes to maximise the quality of responses based on your question set, before you seek a larger number of responses.
Hope you found this useful.
We help our clients gather insights to improve their services, marketing, UX, CX and pricing. If you need a hand get in touch and we can discuss your specific problems before getting back to you with a bespoke proposal.