Ready to be brave and bold to drive growth? Embrace change.

Change starts from within and this cannot be truer than for the culture witnessed at The Tank Museum.

It has a team obsessed with creating the very best visitor and online experience possible and one which is not resistant to change or trying new things out; really embracing the idea of being bold. BVA BDRC conducts mystery visits for the nation’s leading visitor attractions and The Tank Museum has come out on top, with its mark of 97.9% being the highest achieved in England in the last year.

The museum is not only visited by thousands every year from tourists to the local market but by global enthusiasts and media companies within TV, film, and video games sectors.

The part we played in all of this is relatively small in comparison to the efforts of the teams that manage exhibits, displays, and events but nonetheless valuable in helping the team improve its offering to numerous audiences, who are attracted to the museum for very different reasons.

Over the last 2 years we have helped the team with several pieces of research exploring the different expectations from differing audience groups onsite.

This research provided the basis for the museum to redevelop its core website and then add an e-commerce store that saw turnover increase by over 600%.

It helped the team understand how the museum can illustrate value and develop more powerful marketing messaging and content.

Seeing that the museum has achieved such positive praise is of course something we are proud of.

This got us thinking about the other brands we have supported of late that are seeing fantastic growth and praise by purely focusing on improving the experiences they offer.

It is here we started to see a clear trend with those clients who took decisive action based on what they were hearing from their audiences. We saw clients’ efforts to be bold resulting in greater than expected growth. As the saying goes: ‘Fortune favours the brave’.

With change constant and rapid these days, those that can both meet their customers evolving demands and remain bold and open to change will ultimely win out. Research and investigation are not merely activities that take place when setting up a company, they are a means of keeping aware
and able to adapt whenever that is needed.

I hope this has been helpful.

Kind regards from Runway,


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